Letter of Pope Tawadros II to Bose Conference 2015


Reverend father Enzo Bianchi, hegumen of the Monastery of Bose,

The peace and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you and with all the attending the Twentieth Third International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox Spirituality.

The shortest prayer which the church raises every day is Kyrie eleison, which means Lord have mercy .It is the cry of a true penitent and the need of a Christian in his every day progress .It is also the craving of the believer to his heavenly portion in eternity.

As Christ is the giver of mercy and forgiveness on the cross, man- every time he approaches Him in faith – wins a portion of mercy, which overflows to his human brethren.

God is all merciful. He is also the giver of mercy and forgiveness to man. At the same time he demands of man to be merciful towards his brother in humanity “be merciful, just as your Father is merciful”. Lk 6:36 .

Every day, we pray in our church several times the Psalm of repentance, asking for mercy,  the psalm 50, which was the cry of a great penitent saint—the prophet David.

Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me a sinner !

In conclusion, I would like to express to all the participants my most sincere wishes for a successful conference, rich in spiritual fruits.

Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of Saint Mark

August 30, 2015
